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Automated Testing of PhoneGap & Cordova Apps
As a company that automates mobile application testing, we see our fair share of different technologies. Today, we want to highlight apps developed using the Phonegap/Cordova framework. We will demonstrate a few examples of how to automate functional testing for this framework. These so-called “hybrid” apps use html, css, and/or javascript as part of a general native wrapper. Testmunk is the perfect platform for testing such apps, because our testing technology leverages “Cross Platform Testing.” Cross Platform Testing means that test cases that were scripted for one platform (for example iOS) can easily be executed on another (e.g. Android) platform as well, saving resources and time.
In the paragraphs below, we’ll show you a couple of examples of how we set up some sample test cases to interact with webviews. Our testing framework can query all elements in these hybrid Phonegap / Cordova apps and thus interact with them. Testmunk can perform various gestures such as scroll, swipe, touch and, of course, assert the UI view for the correct elements, which allows for automated testing for hybrid Phonegap/Cordova apps.